I started this newsletter at the tail end of 2022 and then promptly went radio silent for over a year. I’m back now, hopefully with some consistency. But no promises ;) Part of the problem was I didn’t really know what I wanted this project to be. Was it an opportunity to write in public? A way to connect with people? To showcase my work? I wasn’t sure. I’m still not sure. ...
Time, attention, and distraction
I don’t have time to achieve everything I want to do. I often lament that there aren’t enough hours in the day, or wish I could subsist on 3 hours of sleep. I also recognize broadly that our time on Earth is unpredictable. Life is fragile and not guaranteed. Tomorrow, I could be hit by a bus or diagnosed with a terminal illness. Perhaps the whole universe will collapse unto itself. ...
An explosion of noise
Hello, welcome! I’m glad you’re here. I’m Reid Hannaford. I’m a Canadian filmmaker and game designer living, working, and playing in Brooklyn, NY. I make things about the harmony between humans, machines, and nature. Lately I’ve been mesmerized with creating immersive behavior in games and building worlds you can get lost in. You’re currently reading the first post from my newsletter about creativity and curiosity. Noise -> Signal I am on a lifelong quest to balance my personal ratio of noise and signal. ...